How to keep beautiful

Dec 29, 2022

Vedics Wellness Rituals

In the context of Ayurveda, inner and outer beauties are intimately related. The more we nurture ourselves, the more radiant we become physically and expressively- regardless of our particular body shape or proportions. Ayurveda understands beauty as being a product of general physical health and appropriate daily care. The emphasis is on self-knowledge and development of positive routines and habits that will bring out the best in each one.

“The secret of youth and beauty is the proper circulation of vital life fluids and the regular discharge of waste materials.” Harish Johari.

Nothing helps the body do what Johari suggests more than a massage. In the Ayurvedic tradition, massage is considered just as essential to health and beauty as good diet and other lifestyle habits.

An Ayurvedic facial massage activates deep centers of the brain, reflex points and facial circulation to totally soothe the body. Tensions in the neck, shoulders and face are freed and energy is rebalanced from head to toe. Herbal extracts and essential oils may be added for their additional healing properties and pleasant fragrances.

How Ayurveda will Keep you Beautiful

Ayurvedic diet is . . .

  • High in whole grains and other fiber – rich foods that provide lasting energy throughout the day. Fiber helps maintain a toned digestive tract by providing bulk, which helps toxins and excesses to be evacuated. When the intestines are regularly cleaned, the body does not become overloaded with digested material that would otherwise seek elimination through the skin.
  • Low in fat, helping to keep the blood clean and prevent a clogging up of veins, arteries, and organs, commonly associated with a diet rich in saturated fats. Good circulation and the circulatory system work efficiently to cleanse and nourish the whole system, and naturally help weight control.
  • Low in refined sugars that are empty calories, which only serve to pack on the weight. Refined carbohydrates give the body a quick boost of energy that is always followed by a physical (and emotional) low. This stresses the pancreas and adrenals, devitalizing the body. Refined carbohydrates deplete the body of minerals, which are so important for all vital functions. It is the combination of refined carbohydrates and excess protein, which forces toxins to the skin surface in the form of pimples.
  • High in minerals that keep the body looking alive and charged with energy. Minerals greatly contribute to that intangible radiant, fresh, and magnetic look of a person in good health.
  • Low in animal proteins, yet rich in vegetable proteins. Low protein diets weaken the body and cause a hollow, sunken look to the face. Diets high in animal proteins increase the toxicity of waste products in the body due to their slow transit time (it takes meat about three days to completely be digested and leave the system.) This slows digestion and depletes the body of minerals. Vegetable proteins, on the other hand, fully nourish the body, being quickly and efficiently metabolized. At the same time, not everyone will want to or feel good with being vegetarian. Thus, Ayurveda has the means of making meats more digestible with such spices as garlic, ginger, cumin, cayenne, and black pepper.
  • Low in salt. Diets high in salt tend to make the mind and body stiff and tight. Having a constricting influence on the body, it tends to slow circulation and create retention of fluid. This can create that sunken effect under the eyes and make someone look puffy. In Ayurveda, a very low salt diet is suggested whenever there are skin problems.
  • Devoid of strong stimulants or depressives such as coffee, sodas, or alcohol. These stress the body’s organs and make skin loose and flabby, furrowing the brow and producing bags under the eyes in the long run.

High in fresh organic foods whenever possible. These are nutritionally the richest, coming from healthy soil and thus carry the strongest, vital energy. This contributes to a radiant, rich glow in our face and skin in general.